Thursday, February 8, 2007

Celebrarion Flyer

Revolutions Anniversary Celebration

Planning Statement

The Revolutions Community Bike shop proposes to hold a Memphis area Cycle-specific swap meet in conjunction with its fifth anniversary celebration. This event seeks to provide a space in which individuals, cycling groups and cycling businesses may sell and trade bicycles, bike components and accessories in a community-generating atmosphere. The primary focus of the event will the active recycling of used bicycles and bicycle parts by placing them in the hands of individuals who will return them to use. The secondary focus of the event will be one of raising consciousness about the community of cyclists that exists in Memphis. By providing a space for cyclists to congregate and support one another Revolutions hopes to strengthen the internal and external awareness of the community.
The third focus of the event is to raise funds and awareness for the Revolutions Community Bicycle Shop. Funds will be raised through a $20 rental fee for spaces within the swap from which individuals and groups may sell bicycle paraphernalia. Additional funds may be raised in the course of Revolutions standard partnership model which will presumably receive greater exposure through the concentration of participants in the Event. The event will strengthen Revolutions’ connection to the Memphis cycling and the consciousness of the Memphis cycling community.

Contact Josh at jmgorman at gmail dot com to register and for more information.